Sand Fencing Services

Sand Erosion Fencing

Long Island Elite Landscaping offers professional sand fencing services. Living on Long Island means there is a lot of beach front property and thus a lot of sand. What sand fencing does is reduce the wind velocity at the ground surface and traps the blowing sand. You will typically see this when rebuilding frontal dunes along coastal areas. So many homes on Long Island fall under this category and turn to sand fencing to help.

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What Is Sand Fencing?

Let's break down what sand-fencing actually is first. A sand fence is an artificial barrier of evenly spaced wooden slats or synthetic fabric built perpendicular to the prevailing wind and supported by posts. Most sand fences are made of light wooden slats that wire together with spaces between the slats. Typically, the distance between slats is roughly the same as the slat width, which is about 1.5 inches. When constructing, contractors can also use synthetic fencing fabric. In the end, the fences are 2 to 4 feet high in parallel rows spaced 30 to 40 feet apart and spread over the land. The use of wooden or metal posts hold the fence in place.

When You Need A Sand Fence

There are some common scenarios where sand fencing is necessary. Here are three examples of how our sand fencing services helps home and business owners across the north shore of Long Island.

  • When you need to trap blowing sand across open, bare and sandy soil areas. Typically frequent winds are possible and the sand fence will prevent the sand from blowing around and off the beachfront and into yards.
  • Controlling erosion is another important aspect of sand fencing on Long Island. These fences can help build frontal ocean dunes and control erosion from the over-washing of rain and flooding and help with home erosion control in general.
  • The prevention of sand from blowing onto roads or adjacent properties.

Sand Fencing Planning Considerations

When wind fences are approximately two-thirds full, another series of fences must be erected. In this manner, dunes can be built 2 to 6 feet high or more during a single season. When the dune has reached the approximate height of other mature dunes or when the building process slows significantly, it can be stabilized with appropriate vegetation.

Sand Erosion Fencing Installation Process

Only professionals should install a sand fence. Typically, we install these fences in spring or early summer. Once the fence is in, then you can seed any vegetation or plants in the fall or following spring. Once that is set, we erect a windward fence that is parallel to the existing dune. Generally, it is perpendicular to the prevailing onshore wind, so it helps the blowing sand the most. And it is constructed at least one foot above the annual high water elevation. As professional Long Island sand fencing contractors, we can come down and inspect your property and find the best suitable area to install the fence.

There are certain circumstances where we erect a second set of fences perpendicular to the first set. This is done to protect any captured dune sand from possible cross winds. We will make sure the posts that set up the fences are driven firmly into the ground and spaced at an appropriate distance. All will be done in a safe and secure manner. Offering the best long-term results.

Over time, this fencing system will eventually fill up with sand. That's just how it is. When the system is two-thirds full of sand, that is when you need another series of fences put up. This will help prevent any further buildup of sand.


There is a maintenance for sand fencing. It includes periodically inspecting sand fences. Immediately inspecting the fence following any storms. Prompt repair of damaged sections of fence. Full maintenance of fences until vegetation is well established.

Dune Stabilization

When building a dune, the process is slow, but at some point it must be permanently stabilized. Maintain the fences until the vegetation is well-established. That is because the vegetation hastens the building process, so it needs to be done at the right time.

Common Trouble Points with Sand Fencing

  • Fencing material is not adequately secured.
  • Posts not driven deep enough.
  • Fence washes out.
  • Sections of fence collapse.
  • Fence collapses.
  • Fences not maintained long enough.
  • Bottom fence located too low.
  • Dune is subject to erosion during storms, even with sand fences in place.
  • Dune not adequately stabilized with permanent vegetation
  • Not enough sand source for dune building
  • Fence system located too near the ocean
  • Some seasons provide little opportunity for dune building and fences may have to be maintained for longer periods.

Contact Us Today

Long Island Elite Landscaping has years of experience offering the best landscaping services, which includes sand fencing. Many across Suffolk County turn to us for the best landscaping services in the area. So please, if you need a professional to handle the installation of a sand fence or erosion control of any kind, then reach out to us today! When you do, we can go over the various details regarding this project.

We can also discuss our other similar landscaping services, like the installation of affordable retaining walls for commercial and residential properties. Another aspect that considers the erosion of land and sand and is needed for many properties on Long Island.